Saturday, June 23, 2018

June 23 Round Robin Blog

Life keeps intruding into my writing  and blogging time, but here I am back with another Round Robin Blog!

This month's question:  Why do you write or feel compelled to write even through the difficult parts?

I have no problem starting a story, usually by the end, there are parts where I stumble and even avoid until I have the time and the energy to tackle them. I feel compelled to write through the difficult parts in order to grow both as a person and as a writer. The difficult parts of my stories are usually things that are hard on an emotional or personal level. Or complicated. Once I’ve written them, I feel much lighter.
Much of my journey as a writer seems to involve parts of my own life. Sometimes I will write pieces as therapy, but not all of these bits make it into a book. If they do, they’re lighter and funnier, or resolved differently.
I’m proud to announce the re-release of my Gilda Wright Mysteries. My former publisher released me from my contract and my wonderful Canadian publisher Books We Love, Ltd. Has offered to republish them with cleaner edits and fresh new covers.
Introducing the release of:

Dead Without Honor (formerly Can’t Keep a Brunette Down)
The other two books - Dead Without Glory and Dead With Pride out will be released later this year along with a fourth book in my Wild Blue Mystery Series.

 I hope you'll visit the other participants in this month's blog fest!


  1. I've found that writing helps me understand the world better, and therefore allows me to grow as a person. My current WIP is completely in a young boy's POV, which is an effort to understand the machinations of my own son's brain. It's been difficult but illuminating.

  2. I'm glad you mentioned how writing helps you because I don't think many people know how much writing does help a person grow. Congratulations on your re-releases!

  3. Great point - that writing often teaches us things. Often they are things we didn't even know we needed to learn. Perhaps it's our subconscious helping us to grow stronger, kinder, better, etc.

  4. I still have some of the notebooks I kept through difficult patches in my life (divorce, kids leaving home, death, dealing with breast cancer) and I sometimes refer to those when I want my characters' emotions to be more realistic. Remembering how I felt and what I thought helps not only with my writing but makes me realize how far I've come and what I've achieved.

  5. Hi Diane, Interesting observation that 'you feel much lighter' and one I relate to. Congratulations on finding a new publisher. anne stenhouse

  6. A few of my books have had that lightening effect on me, too. The Whispering House certainly was a cathartic experience. Hieroglyphs wasn't that way, so much, as it was eye-opening. I came up with the plot, was writing it before I did the research, and then discovered that much of what I was writing was historically accurate. I imagine many of us have had that experience.

    Like you, I often struggle toward the end of the story, which is where I am now. (sigh)


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