Friday, March 22, 2019

Round Robin Blog Fest March 2019

Welcome back for another Round Robin Blog Fest!
I'm so happy to have copies of my two newest books now in hand!

It's been a long month for me after having arthroscopic surgery to repair a torn meniscus in my knee at the end of February. After two and a half weeks off work, I'm back on my feet and returned to work this week. Tired and recovering from a cold, I'm ready for a good weekend off. But first....

The question posed for this month's Round Robin Blog Fest is:   How do you self-edit your books before submitting or publishing?

The past few years, I've learned a great deal from my agent, my publishers, and my writing group when it comes to editing. I've learned to more or less edit as I go, but usually don't do a solid edit of my own work until I finish at least half a rough draft. From that point, I print a hard copy, edit the first half, then move on to write or fill in the missing pieces of the second half and keep the flow going along smoothly.

Over all, I tend to write in chunks when I get the time and weave those chunks together later. One of the things I have to watch out for is changing tenses. Where some books I write in Third Person, the one I'm currently working on is in First Person.

My biggest quirks I need to watch out for when I edit, aside from the tenses, is to keep my writing active rather than passive, and not to repeat words.

Once I get the whole book together, I give it one last edit and run spellcheck to catch those silly things I may have missed. Then it's off to my agent and/or publisher. Generally, I'll get more edits back from them to tweak the things I missed. Usually, they involve commas because it seems no two editors can agree where the commas should go! Some use the Oxford commas, some despise them.

Be sure to drop by and check out what my fellow authors have to say about their editing styles!

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