Sunday, February 21, 2010

Stories of Prayer and Faith proof

We had a Headwaters Writers' Guild meeting today and were happy to see our friend Gloria Nye in attendence. She brought a proof copy of Stories of Prayer and Faith with her. This is the book Nancy Rorke and I have short stories in that will be coming out this spring. Gloria has worked very hard to get the stories together, organized and edited to death.
She is also one of the women who run Eramosa Eden where our writing group does its Writers' Retreat every spring.

Thank you for all of your hard work, Gloria, the book is wonderful!

I'll be posting more about the writing group and out latest meeting on the group website, feel free to check us out using the link!

You can also check out Eramosa Eden which is near Guelph. A great place for a retreat or just to get away.

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