Monday, April 19, 2010

Meet The Authors Day at Eramosa Eden

What a beautiful day we had yesterday. The weather was sunny and warm, the company was interesting and amazing, and my copy of Stories of Prayers and Faith is filled with signatures of other authors. All of the people we met yesterday were interesting and the story in the book was not their only attempt at writing. Some, like Laura Masciangelo, have pubished books or articles.

Laura and her partner Brian were a lot of fun. She adored my kids (who adored the cats and didn't pay much attention to the adults) and gave them an autographed copy of her book to read.

Gloria and Alberta provided food and a fabulous setting for the meeting. The rest of us made our own entertainment and made some new friends. I am looking forward to re-reading the book now that I have faces to put with the stories. It will give the pieces a whole dimension they did not have before.

Thank you to everyone who participated in the Meet the Author day, especially Gloria and Alberta Nye.
This is the beginning of more interesting things for every one of us.

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