Sunday, April 17, 2011

Feelings of Inadequacy

There are days - and I'm sure every writer has them - where I feel like I should just have one big bon fire and forget the whole notion of being a writer. That generally lasts about ten minutes, an hour tops. It used to last a lot longer, but I've found there has been a shift in my whole manner of thinking and being since learning Reiki. I am learning not to carry the negative thoughts and make them my truth.

Having a Reiki attunement opens your mind and your heart to possibilities. It makes it easier to understand and accept the ebbs and flows of creative energy and how to break free from "writer's block." Personally, I've never had a problem with being blocked creatively. My biggest problem is time.

Days, for me, are usually filled with work, the kids and their activities, as well as looking after the house and all meals. I'm notorious for writing in a notebook while cooking spaghetti or brushing my teeth. I intentionally come home during my lunch hours so I can write or edit - or just relax and read a good book.

This week, my goal is to do an edit on The Bookstore Lady, a book that I've often thought of burning, but recently got some great advice about. I'm giving it a chance to live. The funny thing, is a lot of the things my friend suggested, were things I'd had gut feelings about, but never changed. Lack of time, lack of energy, lack of courage...pick an excuse, any excuse.

I'm done with excuses.
I'm giving myself two weeks to get it up to where it should be and submit it.
So what am I doing on my blog? My novel awaits...

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