Thursday, August 8, 2013

A Surprise E-mail

While checking emails yesterday, I noticed one from Amazon to recommending books for me to read. When I opened it, I nearly fell out of my chair! Advertising for MY NOVELLA! I have no idea how many people this actually went out to, but what a great surprise. Of course, I had to share this with everyone I know.

The neglect of my blog lately has been for a good reason, honest. I'm trying to get a blog tour underway for The Bookstore Lady. What is a blog tour? In the old days, publishers used to send writers on the road to promote their novels and gain fans. Today, with so many books published as e-books (mine is through Books We Love) and in print, actual book tours still happen but a lot of writers also go to other writers, reviewers and sites to put up blurbs about themselves and their work. While it is a lot cheaper, you also have one or two days to attract people to yourself and to the other person's blog.

I am finalizing a list this week and will post next week where and when you can find me! No two blogs will be the same in this round. Site owners ask for many different things: a blurb about the book and a picture of the cover, send you a questionnaire about your writing style, how you write, about you in general, and so on. So far, I'm working on one of each!

The bigger news for me, is that I want to host other writers. I'm still working on some ideas for how and when, but if you are a writer who would like some promotional help - email me!! I'd like to start hosting writers soon!
Have a great weekend!

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