Friday, August 16, 2019

Dog Days of Summer

I'm so grateful this summer that I've had lots of time to write and edit! Some days in the coffee shops, some days up at the lake...

My latest work in progress, Written in Stone, is nearly ready. I'm in the editing stage right now and will give it one more good read before I send it off to a publisher in September. This one will be my first novel set in Canada on the shores of Georgian Bay. Fingers crossed it does well. I'm loving this book!

I'm working behind the scenes on a newsletter which will appear this fall.
I'll also be on a Mystery Panel at Orangeville Public Library on September 28 with 5 amazing ladies from the Crime Writers of Canada. It'll be a great time!

In the meantime, I'm working all next weekend at an incredible performance of A Midsummer Night's Dream at Island Lake. I won't get a lot done writing wise, but it'll be fun to hang out with co-workers at a nice venue. Outside under the sun!

After the long weekend, I'm back to full time at my day job, but the writing never ends!
Watch for not only a new Gilda book in 2020, but a few novellas and anthologies.

Enjoy the rest of your summer!



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