Saturday, February 19, 2022

Round Robin Blog Fest February 2022


This month's Round Robin Blog Fest Topic : Feb. 19 - Describe a flawed character you might use as a heroine or hero in a story. How did they become so flawed? How might their flaws affect the story and what will happen to them?

“It seems to me that most characters, in anything, are flawed in some way, just like most people. You look for the good in the flawed people and vice versa, and then try to make them appealing in some way. – Author: Aiden Gillen

Flawed characters are what make a story far more entertaining than perfect, well-rounded characters. Any book or movie would be dull without characters who have an issue they have to overcome. A lot of the time, it’s those flaws that help to drive the plot. Not only does the character have an objective to achieve, they must also battle their fears or hang-ups to get through to the end. Think Indiana Jones and his fear of snakes.

In general, there are three types Of Character Flaws:

1.     A minor character flaw is an imperfection which serves to make them memorable to the reader, but doesn’t affect the story.

2.     A major character flaw is more noticeable and restricts the individual, whether physically, mentally, or morally.

3.     A fatal flaw can cause a character to bring about their own downfall and possibly their death.


It’s true that you want your protagonists to be likeable but you also need a reason to cheer them on when they struggle. Giving them that flaw such as a fear of snakes when they’re a brave, tough guy (Indiana Jones) or a fear of not only leaving your house but of pretty much everything, yet they have to rescue a child (Nim’s Island) will give the reader that extra bit of relatability.

Would you be engaged if the main character had everything they wanted and never had to struggle? What would be the point of reading their story?

But if that same main character suddenly lost everything, or discovered the luck they thought they had was a by-product of criminal activity on the part of their partner, that would turn their lives around and they wouldn’t see life as the same rose garden. In fact, they’d become the underdog in how they dealt with those new situations. Their perfect worlds would suddenly be flawed as would their attitudes toward the changes they’d need to make.

In my newest book, The Conned Lady, Katie Mullins' biggest flaw is that she trusted the wrong people and paid the price. Only the bad guys have infiltrated her closest friends who all have their flaws and secrets. I found this book interesting to work on because it wraps up the series and forces Katie and her boyfriend Danny to face their worst fears.

THE CONNED LADY is the explosive conclusion of the Wild Blue Mystery series!

Let's find out how the rest of the Round Robin team feels about flawed characters!

Skye Taylor

Dr. Bob Rich


  1. Diane character flaws are what make all of us, and our characters, human. You next book sounds great. Love the cover, too.

  2. Hi Diane, So true. Goody-two-shoes types don't make for an interesting story. Anne

  3. I can identify with your Katie. All too often, people are to be trusted until proven otherwise, but oops, that's too late.
    So, she should make a good protagonist.

  4. I liked your 3 types of character flaws -- and like your Katie, few seldom know about even in close relationships about their partners flaws until too late.

  5. Good post. We couldn't possibly care very much about someone who has it all. It's the struggle to attain or overcome that makes the story worth reading and the protagonist worth remembering. There's a reason Gone With The Wind has been a classic forever and it's not because Scarlet is a perfect person.

  6. Flawed characters are integral to a good plot. If everything is easy, there’s nothing to root for, no conflict, nothing of interest, and it’s hard for most people to relate to.

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  8. I read once that when you first fall in love, you think your loved one has no flaws. Then when that changes into love, you try to ignore the flaws you increasingly find. But when it finally morphs into real, lasting love, you realize you love your person BECAUSE of their flaws, because without them, they wouldn't be the person you love.


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