Friday, December 22, 2023

Drop by to learn more about author Joan Soggie and her books Prairie Grass and Rikka.


Welcome to Joan Soggie, a fellow BWL Author! Joan writes some fabulous stories of the Canadian Prairies where she lives. I look forward to learning more about her!

I live and write in a small Saskatchewan town, set beside a lake that was a river, surrounded by fields of canola that once were a buffalo plain. My lifelong curiosity has led me to explore the natural history of the land as well as the centuries-long relationship between the land and the First Nations, and my own family’s settler history. The multifaceted beauty of the prairie and its convoluted history is a continual source of inspiration.

My first full-length book was Looking for Aiktow, a non-fiction regional history focusing on pre-settlement times. The restrictions of footnotes and citations drove me to seek another way of telling the land’s story.  Historical fiction was the natural choice.

The resulting novels, Prairie Grass and Rikka, are firmly rooted in time and place.

How many hours a day do you write?

I would love to say I write every day, and maybe I do, but often it is just emails or notes or a haiku. Life gets in the way. When I work on a project, I tend to lose track of time.  My workspace is a studio in the garage and sometimes my husband will phone me from his recliner in the house, a dozen yards away, to remind me that we must eat. Thankfully we are both retired and have few urgent commitments.

How do you choose which stories you will write?

It often feels as though the stories choose me. An idea might come from a strange circumstance or something I have just read coinciding with a glimpsed photograph, or an anecdote told by an acquaintance. An idea grabs me and will not let go. Sometimes the point of the story does not become clear to me until I have worked my way into the narrative. I have several partly finished pieces that are still waiting for that “Aha!” moment, which may or may not ever come!

What is the most difficult part of your artistic process?

Waiting for that “Aha!” is no doubt the most difficult part of the process for me. It seems to me that the subconscious must do a lot of the creative work, and I am not sure how much good it does to keep slogging away at something until that part has caught up. Sometimes it seems best to just wait, and go to work on something else, something that requires attention and careful research but does not demand much imagination. Or just go for a long walk.

Five years from now, where do you see yourself as a writer?

Five years from now I will be 86, and my husband will be well into his 90s. That is just fact. Age does not define us. And yet, I recognise that age imposes limitations. If I am able, I will still be writing short stories and poems, as they seem more manageable than full-length novel. I plan to continue doing what I am doing as long as possible. There are so many stories to tell, so many ideas to explore, so many readers to meet!

How many unpublished and half-finished books do you have?

Right now, I have one partly finished book that may or may not find its way to a conclusion. I have a plethora of unpublished stories, some of which I plan to eventually compile into a book as many of them seem to fall under one recurring theme.

Was there a person who encouraged you to write?

Doesn’t everyone need someone to believe in her, make her feel it is possible to do what she dreams of doing? I have been fortunate to have had several wonderful encouragers. The first were, naturally, my parents, who instilled in me a love of good stories and a deep respect for the truth embodied in them. A few good teachers gave me help. There were decades (!) however when I showed no writing to anyone and therefore got no encouragement. That was a big mistake. When I finally submitted something to a magazine, it was a huge boost to have it published. Nowadays, my dear husband lets me read aloud to him anything I want to analyze, and some precious friends still read whatever I send them and comment on it. And my own children and grandchildren give me feedback! What a lucky old duck I am!

Merry Christmas to all and special blessings on the encouragers!

Prairie Grass takes the reader on an adventure that spans two centuries of Western history and travels the length of the Great Plains.

Gabby Mackenzie knows little and cares less about prairie people or their history. She sees her assignment to interview a hundred-year-old settler as nothing more than a bump in her hazy career path. But as she gets to know old Mr. Tollerud, she finds herself drawn into the interwoven stories of the settlers, the Metis, the First Nations who came before them, and the land that binds them all together. And her own life changes. 

Rikka is based on the true story of one of Western Canada’s female immigrant pioneers.

“Rikka remembered her teacher’s words. Spirit needs muscle.

Not only muscle of flesh and bone, she thought, but the muscle of a spirit inured to hardship and suffering. Surely, we have had enough of that to make us strong!”

Rikka’s journey takes her across an ocean, a continent, and a lifetime. She plumbs the depths of her own heart and discovers the beauty of life beyond grit and endurance.


  1. Sounds like a wonderful read.I so envy your office in the garage. LOL.

  2. Yup, that workspace is a definite bonus. Combination studio-workshop, it also is home to several plants over-wintering from the patio, and frequently doubles as guest room!


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