Tuesday, September 11, 2012

A book with MY name on the cover!

Here it is!
After nine months of watching the e-novella reach over 575 downloads, I now have print copies of Murder on Manitou published by Wynterblue Publishing!

The box arrived via courier yesterday at noon and I sold my first copies at lunch with friends. After I did the happy dance all around the living room, scared three lives out of the cats with my shrieking and texted my husband who was in meetings.

The photo above was my first glimpse of the lovely books that I can't believe bear my name. The Murder in Ink contest took place in 2010 and now I have something to show for winning it. I paid for 100 copies to be printed and, after putting a few blurbs on facebook, I've already sold 30. Not to mention the handful I'm giving to family. My kids think it's cool that they can lie in their own beds and read the same book at the same time - and it was dedicated to THEM! My youngest even brought a copy to school today so he could brag!

Still can't believe that it's here! I posted a message to my fellow Blue Ridge Literary Writers about the book and have the strong belief that this is only the first of many to come. Not necessarily of the novella but of the other books I have written. My agent, Dawn, has two novels of mine to read right now and I'm working on a new one - with more from the Wild Blue Series waiting in the wings!

My boss and good friend, Angelo, gave me a copy of The Secret to watch the other day. I had to smile as I watched it. The Law of Attraction is exactly what I use day to day, thought to thought, to make my life more positive. (Sorry if I gave away "The Secret" to anyone!) I have used it to send out thoughts to find a publisher and win the contest with Wynterblue. I used it to find an agent and found one in a fun, roundabout way. I even used it to get the job I currently have at a karate studio.

After watching it, I decided I like one man's idea to imagine more cheques than bills coming in the mail. Guess what? After posting my book on facebook, I'll have just that! Coincidence???

1 comment:

  1. Oh Diane! I'm so happy for you!

    I know how long you've been wanting to do this, and here it is!!!!!!!

    I'd love to buy a book! Please let me know how I can and what I'd owe you (for the book and shipping) either via Facebook or email vlazurko (at) hotmail.com



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